Main products: Flash cards MMC; rs-mmc; DV rs-mmc; SD cards; cf cards; USB flash pen drive; card readers; MP3 players; computer hardware and software;

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Amco electronics ltd is established in Hong kong at 1999. In the beginning we started with the trade of electronic components. Later on in 2001 we entrer in memory cards business and we earned a solid repute in this market. Then we entered into a joint - venture with our taiwanese and korean partners in the manufacturing of memory cards. We laid the foundation of a memory card manufacturing factory on high international standards. With the head office based in Hong kong, our firm has now expended to cover the middle east, Turkey. With the help of god, our annual turn over has increased to more than 100 million us$. Despite our heavy turn over, our firm is not compromising on strict quality standards, efficient services and higher customer satisfaction. We are manufacturing the MMC/rs-mmc/DV rs-mmc/SD card/MP3 players, we are providing our own brand of retail packing for memory cards and support of OEM cards. We strive hard to establish healthy competition in this global and rapidly emerging market. Through out this tenure our company has gained trust and respect from our customers. Our name stands for in time delivery of business orders all over this region. The hallmarks of amco electronics ltd is trust, proficiency, customer satisfaction, cost efficiency and above all the on time delivery. We pay 1 life time warranty of our all products. We proud to say that the amco brands of products is the symble of quality.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Factory LocationFlat E1,9/Fl, Hanyee Building,19~21 Hankow Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Ningbo,Zhejiang
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsFlash cards MMC; rs-mmc; DV rs-mmc; SD cards; cf cards; USB flash pen drive; card readers; MP3 players; computer hardware and software;
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideFlash cards MMC; rs-mmc; DV rs-mmc; SD cards; cf cards; USB flash pen drive; card readers; MP3 players; computer hardware and software;
Year Established1999

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